Ozontherapy Clinic
Our history
It is that of a wonderful friendship and a single purpose, that of helping our patients to live better and longer.
Franck Robert and Thierry Schmitz have been sharing for many years not only a great friendship but also their experiences and knowledge to promote wellness and Health in general.
Following a successful track record, our medical team proposes unique and innovative treatments whose effectiveness has been confirmed in the clinic of Dr. Schmitz in Belgium, who has experience in the application and results of these techniques.

Our history
It is that of a wonderful friendship and a single purpose, that of helping our patients to live better and longer.
Franck Robert and Thierry Schmitz have been sharing for many years not only a great friendship but also their experiences and knowledge to promote wellness and Health in general.
Following a successful track record, our medical team proposes unique and innovative treatments whose effectiveness has been confirmed in the clinic of Dr. Schmitz in Belgium, who has experience in the application and results of these techniques.
OZONDÉNIA is totally dedicated to
- To help, support and improve the patient’s condition.

Specialist in ozone therapy and general medicine

Specialist in Osteopathic Tissue Approach and Acupuncture (without needle)

Expert in integrative and natural medicine