Vitamin C: all deficient?

You might think you know all about vitamin C because you take it at the first sign of a cold. Did you know that this little wonder plays a key role in your body? Thanks to it, you strengthen both your immunity and your cardiovascular health. It is also a formidable ally against cancer. He certainly has more than one trick up his sleeve. But what you’ll find out today is that the currently recommended doses only prevent you from getting scurvy …

There are certain signs that should alert you. You feel tired or even exhausted, you get repeated infections, you have difficulty healing, your gums bleed regularly, you often bruise for no reason, you are anemic or suffer from allergies … all of these can herald much more serious problems.

Vitamin C: a discovery that changed the face of medicine

Linus Carl Pauling. The name probably tells you nothing… And yet, he was one of the founding fathers of orthomolecular medicine who received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1954 and the Nobel Peace Prize in 1962.

Highly controversial at the time by pharmaceutical companies, he discovered the extraordinary impact of taking vitamin C in high doses, by intravenous injection or orally in cancer patients.

Despite very promising results, his work on vitamin C is discredited by big pharma. He was then cut off from funding and peer support. And yet, this vitamin, at first glance rather banal, hides many wonders for your health.

Its interest does not date from yesterday since its deficiency decimated ship crews during the discovery of the new world. The cargo had to be stored for months. At that time, it only consisted of sausages and crackers. There was no fresh produce on the menu.

James Lind, a Scottish physician, then thought of giving lemon and oranges to the sick sailors, which saved them from a terrible and certain death.

Vitamin C deficiency, the return of scurvy

We are almost the only mammals, with some higher primates such as the macaque, that do not synthesize vitamin C endogenously. Therefore, we are extremely dependent on food intake.

Scurvy was thought to have been completely eradicated for many years. However, according to a publication in Diabetic Medecine, several cases have recently appeared among diabetic patients. At issue are a multitude of lifestyle factors.

And you, do you think you are deficient? More than a third of the population has rates well below national recommendations! Tobacco causes a dramatic drop in its rate, stress, impoverished food, pesticide-impregnated soils, ….. It is not surprising to achieve such results. But if, in addition to the deficiencies, you become ill, your meager reserves will be quickly depleted, as the illness potentiates the deficiency.

Deficiency is the red carpet for blocked arteries.

Lack of vitamin C is responsible for mini-cracks in the vascular endothelium, which promotes atherosclerosis. The extreme situation of scurvy is the final deterioration of the blood vessel walls, a dramatic crumbling that then leads to lethal internal bleeding.

Vitamin C is essential in the production of collagen, which maintains stable blood vessel walls and prevents the development of atheroma plaques. Therefore, it plays a fundamental role in the entire cardiovascular field.

However, regular consumption of fruits and vegetables does not guarantee the necessary intake for sufficient collagen production. Supplementation is strongly recommended to achieve the desired effect.

Hypoascorbemia: avoidable disasters

Patients hospitalized in a hospital environment have a collapsed vitamin C level for many reasons related to medication, stress, pain, etc. The meals served in hospitals in no way cover the primary needs in vitamins, not even minerals, which pushes patients even further in their pathologies. A substantial increase in intake is essential for proper healing.

Insufficient intake of ascorbic acid also increases the perception of stress. This vitamin plays a crucial role in the maturation and functioning of neurons, as well as in protecting the brain against free radicals. Since depression is one of the first clinical signs of scurvy, it also plays a key role in patients with asthenia. This link, vitamin C and depression, may be explained by a decrease in norepinephrine synthesis.

The properties of vitamin C


Vitamin C and Alzheimer’s disease

More and more evidence is accumulating in favor of vitamin C in the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease but also in a curative objective by dissolving amyloid plaques that accumulate in the brain.


Vitamin C and immunity

Indispensable for the synthesis of antibodies, this makes it an indisputable ally of the immune system thanks to an excellent mobilization of white blood cells, much richer in vitamin C than blood plasma. It also enhances iron absorption.


Vitamin C, an antioxidant

A super antioxidant, vitamin C has a protective action against certain cancers, particularly digestive cancers such as colon, pancreatic or esophageal cancer. Protection of healthy cells but also restoration of normal functioning of precancerous cells. Vitamin C acts as a kind of shield to defend healthy cells exposed to a carcinogen.

Note in passing its decontaminating action against toxic substances such as alcohol, pesticides and aromatic hydrocarbons.


Vitamin C and cancer

Cancer cells are very hungry for sugar. They feed on it and proliferate thanks to this malignant substrate. They manage to capture more sugar than healthy cells! This is where vitamin C comes in, as it has a molecular structure close to glucose. Like a Trojan horse, it manages to penetrate the cancer cell, depriving it of its favorite food. It then loses its energy and gradually depletes for lack of an energy substrate.

It is very important for a person with cancer to eliminate the sources of sugar that revive and maintain this disease and allow vitamin C to work more effectively.


Vitamin C and chemotherapy

Vitamin C is also a valuable aid in chemotherapy and radiotherapy because it reduces the toxic effects of these treatments while enhancing the destruction of malignant cells. The lengthening and quality of life of cancer patients is greatly improved.

How much vitamin C do you need?

The recommended daily amount is about 100 mg per day. This alone allows you to have a normal life, but you will be more prone to disease. If you go to 2gr a day, you will have a much better resistance to infections. Between 2 and 4 g per day, you will increase your physical and intellectual performance with a much better quality of life.

To conclude on vitamin C

But be careful, high doses of vitamin C can cause diarrhea in some people. Only the liposomal encapsulation technique allows you to have an oral supplementation without side effects, with a bioavailability of 98%.

Liposomal vitamin C has two main advantages: its protective film allows it to resist stomach acid attacks and to reach the cells intact. To visualize the effects of this formula, 1 g of liposomal vitamin C is equivalent to 20 g of classic vitamin C. Therefore, absorption is optimal.

Vitamin C is essential for your survival! So it’s not a question of convenience.


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