

Pulsothérapie_Stendo_ozondeniaStendo® Pulsotherapy is a natural, unique and patented treatment technique. It stimulates endothelial cells (cells of our blood vessels) through a unique mechanical action. In our body, these cells are involved in many mechanisms such as venous tone, tissue remodeling, and the body’s defense mechanisms (state of the immune system, ability to eliminate toxins).

What is the principle?

Stendo® Pulsotherapy is based on the principle of tissue mechanization by cardio-synchronized pulsatile waves. The stimulation is completely personalized since it is adapted in real time to your heart rate. It is a real circulatory gymnastics that causes a deep and lasting action. The effect produced is general, that is to say, it is diffused throughout the body.

What are the indications?

Pulsotherapy® directly and generally stimulates blood and lymphatic circulation. It improves the body’s ability to manage the flow of fluids (blood and lymph). It promotes venous return, lymphatic drainage, fights cellulite, promotes tissue remodeling, reduces feelings of chronic fatigue and improves sleep quality.

How does a session take place?

You are comfortably installed in the Stendo® pulsatile suit (or sleeve), lying on a massage bed. The structure of the suit (and sleeve) incorporates an internal layer of gel to adapt perfectly to your body shape. A pulsometer is positioned on your finger. It captures your heartbeat. A succession of massaging waves at varying pressures will make your blood and lymphatic flows react in a completely personalized way.

Are one or more sessions necessary?

Depending on your needs and the objectives set, you will be offered a program adapted in terms of dynamics, intensity and duration (from 20 to 45 minutes). The sessions are most often offered in the form of cures, between 4 and 12 sessions, but can also be provided in additional sessions in slimming programs to promote the elimination of degraded fat cells using other techniques.

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